An invisible young writer

Assalamualaikum & Hello! As the new year is approaching, i really feel like i wanna get into this writing stuff by starting a blog here. Well, perhaps a good new year vibes since 2019 is going to join us in few more days. So why not i give it a shot kan? But wait! Before i start my writing here, please pardon my grammar or my 'thingy melayu' mix \ manglish words ini semua. I know i still need to improve a lot. I just do it to express my thought and passion in writing. I'm trying to move the needle among Malaysian people and perhaps world too. Trying to put some efforts that will make a little impact to some people out there thru my writing.

So here it is, some sort of short messages that i would like to express and spread to the world and all the Malaysian people! Do support me and continue to read my writing to see the progress of my not-so interesting journey thru writing. Almaklumlah, saya masih budak baru belajar.

Terima kasih everyone! Stay tuned for more! Let's get the ball rolling babeh!
