Smokers die younger

Here it is! My first starter of bebel. Mark untuk 2019.  

Since 2019 is here, I'm so glad that our government came out with the new year resolution of pushing to gazette all open air restaurants such as mamak, hawker stalls, etc as no-smoking areas which is illegal this year starting at midnight. I guess i'm not the only person that couldn't stand with the smoke while eating in a public restaurant or food stalls. Do u ever feel the feeling of menjamah makanan sambil sedut asap rokok yang Ya Allah, only God knows. I bet you guys do too! For smokers, you feel good and macho to blow and smell, but definitely not for us, the passive-smoker. 

Frankly speaking, i feel so pity looking at those little kids  and babies yang bapak sambil dukung hisap rokok sedap ja. Hello abang-abang! It does effect them tho they don't smoke! They are second hand-smoker. Fyi, the risk is much higher than you! Second hand-smoker is particularly dangerous for children, abang oi! Kita yang adult ni pun tak tahan tambahan si anak kecil kan? 

So, what can we do? We should support these eateries no-smoking zones by the Health Minister to encourage healthy life style among Malaysian! Come on people! Look on the bright sides! Do not keep criticize our government effort to ban this open air smoking. 

1. If you see the smoker, smoking in public while holding a baby or near the kids, do approach and advice him. Concerned for your loved one! Cakap lah "Bang, nak hisap rokok tu jauh-jauh lah dari si anak". Takkan nak ajak si anak sekali sedut asap rokok? Melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya ke abang? 

As you could see on the cigarette box, 'smokers die younger' or erti kata lain, 'perokok mati awal' lah ye bang. Even tho dah ada visual lung cancer, janin gugur yang sangat dreadful, appalling, horrific,terrifying! Haa apa lagi semua lah, yet the smoker still didn't come out with his senses. What a pathetic society we have! 

Please, to smoker, if you wanna live in unhealthy life style and die younger than your age, YES you may! But, please stay far from your loved one and pergi lah blow and feel in your own private zone. No harm kan?  

Janganlah disebabkan mahukan kenikmatan dan kepuasan sendiri, orang di sekeliling anda menjadi mangsa. Think twice ya abang! 
