World is a toxic land isn't it? Why so? Because HUMANITY IS FADING AWAY DAY BY DAY for the sake of powerness. The eagerness to own power  destroy the world slowly. 

It is really sad and crushing my heart to see how is the world going on now. It just full of toxic. From nature to people. The saddest is this world full toxic people that desire power and money! 

Humanity is keep fading away from us till we we tend to forget, where we as human should belong to as we keep chasing  things that are just temporary. To fill our lust for powerness , we forget that there are thousand of innocent people out there crying for help, begging for just a a single piece of bread to survive but we make a decision to be deaf and blind. We make the decision not to show passion and empathy to each other at times of need. We decide not to grow flowers of kindness on the street by starting a war. What the saddest is? Humanity die inside the heart day by day without we realise. We let our heart and eyes to be blind. To be untold.

Do we ever ask our own self, we give the best service for ourself, country and job but we didn't give a well service to humanity. That's really a big issue that we should be shame on ourself as human being. We put aside one's life for the sake of powerness till our heart become black and no longer accepting the light. TO GAIN POWER RATHER THAN TO OWN A PEACE. We let the kindness die slowly through a war.

Bear in mind, humanity is not only about showing passion and empathy to each other at times of need but about regarding love in high esteem and kindness in all walks of life. Humanity is not just a word for symbolizing the human compassion and civilization but it goes beyond the horizons of human nature and his creations. It is all about using hearts along with the minds in all the endeavours of human kind. Be a good human being, a warm hearted, affectionate person. That is my fundamental belief not by agreeing with the gov to start a war.

It is shameful and disgust for us as human being to know how Newton discovered the Law of Gravity when an apple fall from a tree but thousands of Palestinians fall and no one has discovered the law of humanity. Not only the conflict of Palestinians between Israel, but all human race that being oppress by cruelty,  govern harshly, and treat with continual harshness like China’s brutal crackdown on the Uighur Muslim minority,
Somali Civil War and perhaps many more that are hidden from us and  not to be untold yet for political reasons.

WHY? Because they don't  have the chance to voice out their rights. WHY? Because the humanity is fading away day by day, year by year. Every sec and minutes, the war is happening.  Because we don't let the war to stop!  We think that for a peace, a war should start.

I bet if the war have a chance to speak, the sky have a chance not to rain the land with bullets, they will speak and stop! They are tired too, throwing bomb, bullets and poisonous gases from the sky to innocence children. But the world didn't listen at all, for the sake of powerness. Yes, it might be true to own a peace, a war should start but there are thousands, million of ways towards peace between two countries not only by creating a war. It will kills million of people for decades. Just imagine from hundreds of innocent people being kill to million as the war keep going! I believe, WHEN A WAR START,  A HOPE FOR PEACE WILL CRUSH AND Fading SLOWLY like a dust of magic dissappear in the air without we realise that.

Yes, we can't denied that human may has come a long way in learning the ways of building relations and creating civilizations in order to inhabit this world with livelihood full of love and harmony but it keep fading away. We need to accept the fact that we are still lack of humanity that are need to be fill with kindness not fuel of anger by creating a war! So let's all of us around the globe speak out as we human race really need to voice out for them rather than being a quite monster under the sea. Being a quite monster might not harm anyone but once it show itself to the world, eveything will be a disaster for human being. Sooner or later.

So what can we do as a human being to stop the war? Speak out and act for them. Stand up for the innocent kids that lost their parents during war. For kids who died without knowing the reason why bullets falling from the sky and not rain and for a baby on the street that's crying for his mom to put him on her heap. But unfortunately, we don't let that happiness to happen. We choose the wrong path.

Why don't we choose to show the right paths thru our act by joining volunteering teams, helping the refugees, giving food to homeless people etc. It might seems like it doesn't work to stop the war, but at least there a little bit of change for humanity. So that the flowers of kindness inside our heart blooms to stop the devil coming from the soul. 

We don't need a war to own a peace by waking up every single day under seeing thousand of bullets  falling from a sky  to the land targeting innocent child and people. All we as human being need is a talk between two country from heart to heart to own a peace. The next evolutionary step for humankind is to move from man to kind not an eveloutionary in weapons to start a war to own a peace!

Bear in mind, we're for truth, no matter who tells it. We're for justice, no matter who it is for or against. We are a human being, first and foremost, and as such we're for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.

