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TOXIC LAND World is a toxic land isn't it? Why so? Because HUMANITY IS FADING AWAY DAY BY DAY for the sake of powerness. The eagerness to own power  destroy the world slowly.  It is really sad and crushing my heart to see how is the world going on now. It just full of toxic. From nature to people. The saddest is this world full toxic people that desire power and money!  Humanity is keep fading away from us till we we tend to forget, where we as human should belong to as we keep chasing  things that are just temporary. To fill our lust for powerness , we forget that there are thousand of innocent people out there crying for help, begging for just a a single piece of bread to survive but we make a decision to be deaf and blind. We make the decision not to show passion and empathy to each other at times of need. We decide not to grow flowers of kindness on the street by starting a war. What the saddest is? Humanity die inside the heart day by day ...

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